Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One sentence; two meanings

I write this post in an attempt to illustrate depression. This is just one example of how someone with depression might look at things differently than others. I say "might" for two reasons: one, I am not every depression sufferer, and don't pretend to know what we all feel like or that we are all the same. Two, being someone with depression, I don't have personal experience being a non-sufferer, though on good days, properly medicated days, I think I come closer to thinking normally.

Today, I turn 30. Many people approach this birthday with trepidation and the thought, "Man, 30. I've lived a third of my life."* This was my thought several days ago. The normal person might be a little down on themselves, wanting to have achieved more by this point in their lives - at least have an idea of what they want to do with their lives. Perhaps this person is anxious that there's only so much time left to buy a house, have kids, buy a bigger house to house those kids, save money for college for the kids, get the kids out of the house, achieve some professional goal, and save money to retire. Unless you're one of those blessed few who knows what they want to do, earned their millions, and bought their island by now, in which case, fuck you, collar-popping turdburger I am so happy for you.

For me on that day, a day which had been preceded by about two weeks of not taking meds, the idea that a third of my life was over was relieving. Very much the same way it's relieving when you are exercising and not digging it and you look at the clock and say, okay I only need to do what I've just done two more times. Depression makes life feel like an unpleasant workout: it's exhausting, headache-inducing, and you just want to get it over with already. So on that day, and to a lesser degree today, I'm pretty at peace with getting older. Weird that depression is helping me cope with what can be a stressful time.

*Some people call everything between 20 and 35 the quarter-life crisis, but let's be honest: do we really expect to live past about 95? The quarter-life crisis ends by 24, though the crisis feeling may continue for many years.


which is bigger: Lady Gaga's bikini wax allowance or her sunglasses allowance?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Lord knows this isn't my thing

In mid-December 2008, I lost my job. Shortly thereafter, I started this blog. Yes, ANOTHER recession story blog, though, I hoped, a little more fun since I hated my old job. (Illustration: The last time I cried about losing that job was within 24 hours of losing it, and I am absolutely a crier. Unless I need to - like if I get pulled over. Then the tears will not come, but back to... whatever my point is.) I also thought this blog would be a nice chronicle of my job search, which would naturally lead to at least a tolerable position for more money than I was making at my old job after a couple of months of searching, which would give me time to unwind and improve myself. A healthy mixing of clever posts about new product and store finds, adventures with my dog, the funny habits of my now-husband, and coping with depression would appear.

This blog would continue through my new job until I'd raised the money to establish a bed & breakfast. My B&B would provide more fodder for posts, and I would welcome guests to post to the B&B's blog as well. And there I's be: early 30s, owning my own business with enough revenue from website ads and my business that I could pay off my school loans, contribute evenly to the household income, and save up to support our one biological and various adopted future children. Those who'd followed my blog from the beginning would come visit the B&B just to meet "that quirky lady." It'd be lots of work, but I'd love the physicality of it, the challenge of heading a small business, and helping guests get the most from their visits. And then reality hit. And Michael Scott called asking for his shtick back.

So it's now 15 months and 2 weeks-ish since I lost my old job. I've found some part-time work, but I am making a small fraction of what I used to, and I'm not a step closer to my B&B. I don't enjoy what I do or the organization for which I work. And clearly, I've lost track of this blog. I've lost a little weight, but I feel that I've been in a state of hibernation for over a year, not making any substantial progress toward the me I'd like to eventually be. Most of this is my own fault, which I'll touch upon in future postings, but for now, I am just making one more step back toward doing something constructive. No guarantees that postings will as regular as I'd like: follow-through is not my forte. I'm still finalizing the craft project that was to serve as part of my Valentine's Day present to my husband. And I've had a wedding present in-hand since December for a couple who married in July, but have yet to mail it. I could probably do a daily feature of stand-still projects. But THIS post I finished in one sitting, so WHEE!